
SEO-Driven Website Copywriting

We believe in delivering appealing and well-optimised site copy. When is it better that you utillise long-form content dedicated to your product or service on your website and when it is preferable to use minimal copy in order to help your site rank higher? We are adept in spotting the opportunity and creating content to benefit from it.

Even when a site is built on robust technical foundations, without the right SEO keywords, it can still struggle for visibility in the searches. We utilise the technique of search-led blogs and content instead of peppering the content with sprinkles of keywords here and there. When the content is packaged right with interesting links to informational resources, the results become evident.

Content should also not be staid and should have value over the years, sometimes requiring a review and updating of the information provided. The fresher and more reliable the content, the more valuable it is.

How we serve you

Our Services For Clients

Smart Content

Smart Mediocre clickbait cannot make your site stand out from the crowd. We work with grounded, well-researched content.

Traffic Increase

Good content should generate market inputs. It should utilize business intelligence and inputs from the client. We do that.

Content Strategy

To create the impact envisaged, your content needs to be on the radar of search engines with the most impactful keywords.

Multiple Formats

We create all the long, short or medium-length content to put your message across. We address the people who matter.

What you Need

We work hard to understand your business and objectives. We do blog posts, landing pages, scripts for videos and site content.


We work for social media, digital marketing agencies, SEO agencies, advertising agencies, start-ups and individual entrepreneurs.

Content Strategy

How and why do we communicate? Without strategy there is no purpose or success with content. To do this, we evaluate your business objectives and narrow down on your target audience. Then we work on creating content that will drive engagement. When interests converge and convert into sales, growth happens organically for the client.

Social Media Content

How well is your brand keeping up with the ever-changing digital world? At Neteffect Content Creators, we help brands tell their story well through Social Media. We do that with right thinking and crisp copy. This helps you brand stay prominently in front of mind. When we arrive at the goals to be achieved, we deliver authentic content that’s trending on the right channels.

Advertising Copy

The right words will help your brand win hearts. And open wallets. Neteffect delivers powerful copywriting for Print Advertising, TV Commercial Scripts, Radio Jingles… for Advertising Agencies and Brands. Because good writing means serious visibility leading to conversions and sales. So when you need Content Creation on a regular basis or for a one-off project like a PPT or a Marketing Presentation, think of us.

Benefit from superior content.

Website Content – We work for both website-design agencies and individual clients. The content we create can be based on a predesigned template or created from scratch based on the requirements of the client. The pages can include – home page, about us or corporate page, product or service descriptions, contact page, recruitment page, blogs and more. Basically, the site will describe the products and services, nature of the company, the technologies involved, the background of the company and its promoters and all that a prospective customer would want to know about the company from the website.

Blogging – Websites require blog posts on a regular basis to keep give their SEO a boost and engage the visitors. Well written, informative and authoritative blogs will lead to visitors coming back. The expertise of the company or its professionals, in its related field will be established.

Focus on ROI

Connecting with the right audience, reconnecting with loyal customers after a break or even a setback, keeping an eye on lead generation and stressing on revenue – all this happens when the campaign is optimized to achieve the intended results.

Good content is good for you.

Relevant, compelling copy comes at a price. But the rewards are pretty evident. It will be directed to your customers and they can identify with it. Also, the SEO bots too will have a liking for it. Good copy inspires, informs and enables better decision making. It leads to better trust in your brand/product/service.

High-quality content for all.

Everyone likes arresting content that keeps you reading on and on. It’s not just for spy novels. There’s so much content online now that you have to grab customers’ attention – and not let go. And there’s also search engines to consider. After all, they’re how audiences get to your site. Luckily, they also appreciate high-quality, logically ordered content, smartly optimised so that it ranks for relevant search terms.


Some questions you may have for us.

Though English is a global language, your primary target audience is limited to the State of Kerala in India. Hence you need writers who have a feel of the market dynamics, ethos and local nuances. We write and present English in a way the people of this region know and understand.

Why do you need content writing service?

Well written, smart, content of high standards with attention to detail and intelligence sets your product and service apart from your competitors. It efficiently gives you an edge over the rest by selling your products or services better.

What services do you provide?

Not everyone can write well. At such times, you need professional help to create insightful, relevant and engaging content. Our writing services include: Website Content, Static Web Pages, Landing Pages, Blog Post Writing, Social Media Content, Advertising Copywriting, Marketing and Brochure Copywriting, Email Campaign Content Writing and more.

How do you charge?

Charges for creative work are subjective. It depends on factors like complexity or nature of the work, time required for research, the deadline and of course, the volume of the work. Sometimes the most seemingly simple task can be deceptively difficult. Our ballpark figure for creative content is Rs.5 per word and for blogs it is Rs.3 per word. This is just an indicator. The actual cost can be less or more. The payments can be made to our UPI linked phone number – through UPI (GPay, Paytm etc.).